Bienvenido - Welcome

Parque nacional Barranca del Cupatitzio
also know as:
Parque Nacional Eduardo Ruiz

In memory of the politician, historian, writer and journalist who donated the land on which the park now stands..

Learn more about our beautiful National Park 


Services and Costs



The Devil's Knee


Tazas Personalizadas Uruapan
parque nacional uruapan


* You can Organize your Family Meetings.
* Games for children.
* Enjoy the Nature Trails, its flora and fauna.
* Trout Farm.
* Typical and Regional Food.
* Live music.
* Track for walking or running.
* Zip line
* Sale of Crafts and Souvenirs
* Internal Surveillance
* First aid

The entrance cost normally ranges from 30 pesos to visitors, however, every year several activities are carried out, such as the Day of the Dead, among others, and their entrance prices vary for said events.


Agencia de Viajes Uruapan
Entrada Parque nacional


It was decreed as a national park on November 2, 1938 by then President Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, and in 2007 its management program was published, an instrument by which its administration and operation is regulated. It has a lot of cultural diversity and a beautiful legend. The Cupatitzio River is born in this place, whose waters are used for the production of electrical energy.
"Cupatitzio" which in purhépecha means: river that sings, which forms a multitude of streams throughout the park.
The exact place of the source of the Cupatitzio River is known as "La knee del Diablo", a 3 m deep pool.

It covers an area of ​​471.8 hectares that includes two main areas:
Recreational area: 19.8 ha.
National park conservation area: 452 ha.

The park has an abundance of water sources and is made up of temperate and tropical vegetation, since it is located near the city of Uruapan, which is the gateway to Tierra Caliente, 110 km from Morelia, the capital of the state of Michoacán, to the west of Mexico City (400 km approx). It is one of the main recreational centers in the state of Michoacán. Important environmental services are generated in this space, including protection of biological diversity, rainwater harvesting, climate regulation, carbon capture and oxygen production.

Biodiversidad Parque nacional uruapan


According to the National Information System on Biodiversity of the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO) in the Barranca del Cupatitzio National Park there are more than 400 species of plants and animals of which 26 are within some category of risk of the Official Mexican Standard NOM-059 and 33 are exotic. This updated list contains information on the 5 amphibian species and 17 reptiles in the Park. Among them, the 14 endemic species of Mexico stand out, as well as 11 species that are considered at risk: 4 threatened and 7 subject to special protection. It also contains information on the 43 species of mammals in the Park, among which 7 endemic species of Mexico stand out, as well as 2 species that are considered at risk: 1 endangered and 1 threatened. In addition, this list contains information on the 132 species of birds, among which 1 threatened species and 6 subject to special protection stand out, as well as the 15 endemic to Mexico. 

La rodilla del Diablo uruapan

The History of the Devil's Knee

The Cupatitzio River - in Purépecha "river that sings" - rises in the spring called "La knee del diablo", a sinister name that comes from this ancient legend:

The waters of the river had stopped running, the field was turning a yellowish color and the leaves of the trees were beginning to dry. The people were mortified because the fertility of the land had been reduced to nothing. Fray Juan de San Miguel - the so-called "founder of towns" -meditated on the situation and with prayers awaited an answer. This is how the days passed until, divinely, his thoughts were enlightened and he found the problem: "the spring was possessed by the Devil" (remember that in the 16th century any type of misfortune was blamed on diabolical forces).

It was then necessary to carry out an exorcism in the place. Fray Juan rang the bells and called the Indians. They made a procession, surrounded by priests and other townspeople, until the entire procession reached the dry and sad spring.

The friar prayed silently for a few moments and sprinkled the rocks with holy water. The ground began to shake terribly, making everyone who was in the ritual shudder. A chilling and loud scream was heard and seconds later the figure of Satan came out from between the stones. He backed away when he saw the procession and scared,he ran fleeing from the place and stumbled, thus leaving a cavity in a stone produced by his knee..At that moment the crystalline waters sprouted again, the fields turned green and joy returned to Uruapan because Cupatitzio had sung again.


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Barranca del Cupatitzio National Park - Uruapan, Michoacan

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